Thursday, November 8, 2012

Obsessed with Sprout and Caillou

Obsessed with Sprout and Caillou

by  | on November 8, 2012

We are Obsessed with Sprout and Caillou!!

Sprout and CaillouWell, Its official my 3yo Kircher is obsessed with Sprout and Caillou for a while now! I had actually never heard of PBS Sprout Television until we moved to Mississippi and got DirectTV.  If you have not yet had the pleasure of watching Sprout, then it may not be all that bad of a thing.  They show shows that are mostly run on PBS Kids and then a few other shows.  Shows it includes are Sesame Street, Fireman Sam, and the big one for us, Thomas & Caillou.  I honestly have no problem with these shows in general.  Most of them are educational and clean, but dude, every now and then a little NickJr, MMCH or actual MOVIE verses the constant default of Sprout and Caillou!

No surprise to most that Kircher of course loves Thomas but he now apparently can not make it through the day without an episode of Caillou.  Which brings me to my main critique.  The show is cute in general but it really freaks me out that Caillou is so bald.  I mean he is supposed to be four, his parents have all kinds of a mop on their head and his sister Rosie has a ton of hair too! What gives?! The shows are good at dealing with issues toddlers would usually experience like playing nice with friends, nightmares, using your manners etc.  However I’m thinking at some point they may have to address the fact that no matter how old the main kid gets, he can’t grow hair!
I didn’t really think this detail was an issue for Kircher because in his eyes Sprout and Calliou can usually do no wrong, but a couple of weeks ago he actually asked me why Calliou had no hair! I dyed laughing and then he followed it up with “Calliou’s head is all nice and shiny!” Hilarious! Now I’m just worried if our obsession with Sprout and Caillou continues he’ll be asking to shave his head! :) Let’s hope not!
Kirch always wants to “play Calliou” and frequently wants to act out the episodes. I mean I know when I was his age I was obsessed with movies, “Annie” and I think “Mary Poppins.”  Rachel (my sister) and I acted them out all the time but at least they had real humans in those shows!! And Hair!!! I’m just ready for the phase of only being able to watch a 20 minute show to pass! There are a few movies he’ll watch but nothing compares to Sprout and Caillou!!
Sadly last year they almost took Sprout out of our TV package and I called to complain… They allowed me to keep it for another year since it was in our original agreement.  However I renegotiation is coming up and they will start charging us an extra $40 a month for the upgrade to the package with Sprout! Unfortunately this is not something I’m willing to pay since none of the other channels they offer on the upgrade are really of interest to our family!
It will be a hard day for Mr. Kircher Miller when Sprout leaves our home! Fortunately Thomas and Caillou are on our regular PBS station so I’m hoping maybe he won’t notice??? Pretty much think this is wishful thinking! EEEk!!!

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Sprout and Caillou
Katie Miller
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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dancing With The Stars Review

Dancing With The Stars Review

Dancing With The Stars Review
In my Dancing With The Stars Review this week its all about the fusion dances baby! Last night's show was overall pretty entertaining. Some of the styles were totally awkward and I was a little nervous about how they were going to "fuse" them together. Overall I thought there was some great numbers. Let's start with the bad in this Dancing With The Stars Review.
First, the worst performance of the evening by far was Kirstie. It started out bad and poor thing it just got worse! When she started the shanay turns in the beginning of the number my stomach just hurt. At first I thought she would actually fall over and she definitely did way too many!! I mean if you can't spot your turns let's cut it off at three max vs. trying to do fifteen! Bless her heart. Help a sister out Max. And then as the dance went on, even my husband David, pointed out that she just wasn't dancing full out. Ha! If he says that you know it's true. I just felt as if she might bounce right off the floor. She needed to ground her movements a little. Overall I just thought it was painful and that the solids 8's that she received were pretty generous.
Also on my disappointing list for this Dancing with the stars review from last night was Apollo. The season he danced with Julieanne I actually really liked him. This season for whatever reason his upper body is a struggle for me. I feel like he's a little loafy??? No idea if that's a real word, actually I'm positive it is not, but I don't know how else to say it. He just seems like he lacks fluidity in his upper body. He needs to lower the shoulders and watch his fingers. I just feel like he looks bulky and awkward. To their credit I thought their two dances were really hard to combine but it honestly just did nothing for me!
As far as the satisfactory I did think Kelly did a great job last night. I still really like her and Val even though their relationship is for sure over the top and most of the time a little nauseating. I totally felt so bad when she more than ate it straight on her face!!!???!!! I mean what is up with that! I was positive their were some cracked teeth or some bizarre form of whiplash going on. And in the clip they showed it looked as if Val just threw her over his head face first and was like, "good luck with that, land it sister!" I mean whoa! Straight up face plant. Way to recover and dance well though sister. Dancing With The Stars Review
I thought Emmit was good but not great. The dance just didn't wow me. Gilles was good although I hated when they showed a clip of them before they went on and they were heavy petting. I mean get in character for sure, and as a performer myself I can totally appreciate it, but dude your 7 year old daughter is sitting in the audience with your wife. Take it down a notch. I thought they performed well but wasn't my fav fusion or dance that they've done. I thought that Melissa and Tony did a fab job and the steam and costume change was totally dramatic and I LOVED it. I do love Tony... he's just someone you want to hug. However after all Melissa's injuries throughout her DWTS career when they first showed the clips of Kelly's face plant I was sure it would be Melissa. Ha! Sorry Melissa, I jumped to conclusions on that one.
As far as my favorite dance of the night and for this Dancing With The Stars review... You guessed it... Shawn! She just has such a great energy and I loved seeing her dance with Mark. I like her with Derek better but it showed how talented she is that she can change up like that. I felt like their fusion dance for me was the best choreography of the night. I do think they had one of the easier combos however it was so clear when they were dancing Paso vs. when they were dancing Tango. It was fun and powerful. Shawn's quick step earlier this season is still my favorite dance of the season thus far, and while I think she will have a hard time topping it until the free-style in the finale, I feel like she still performs incredibly and the most consistently each week out of all the contestants. Alrighty! Go Shawn and Derek! :)
On a side note in this Dancing with the stars review I thought the mock political commercials were hilarious and I nearly wet my pants when Kirstie Alley approved the message about Kelly and Gilles and then the announcer said the ad was "paid for by people with more than 5% body fat." Hysterical!! My prediction for next week's Dancing with the stars review and the BIG double elimination,(knowing next week's numbers could change it) is that Apollo is for sure going home. I think Kirstie should go but I have a feeling that she'll stay because of her fan base. Kind of think it might be Apollo and Kelly but we will see!! Happy Dancing friends!

Stayed tuned next week for my next Dancing with the stars review! I know you love it! :)

Katie Miller
Dancing With The Stars Review
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Monday, November 5, 2012

Dancing With The Stars Review

Dancing With The Stars Review

by | on November 5, 2012

Dancing With The Stars ReviewDancing With The Stars Review

I was so excited this season when they decided to do an All Star cast on Dancing With The Stars… so I decided since it was a new season I would try to get in on the action and write my first Dancing With The Stars Review! So Here Goes!!!
Although some of the stars I was totally excited to see back i.e. Shawn Johnson, Emmit, Giles, and Kelly…. I was most excited to see Sabrina back!! I was thrilled that this gal got a second chance b/c on her original season I thought she was jipped and that she was one incredible dancer!! Oh the things I would have said if I’d done a Dancing With The Stars Review back then!!
I was surprised though by a few of the picks for the All-Stars. Pamela Anderson??? I mean she’s an icon in her own right, but let’s be honest she wasn’t that great of a dancer her first go around. I guess they had to have someone on there that would get kicked off the first round. Eek!! So glad that she was the first to go. Sorry Pam!! And, although I don’t have any ill will toward Bristol Palin I was a little surprised to see her on there. Let’s be frank though, little momma was looking good for her second chance in the ballroom. She was looking slim and trim and maybe had some other work done too… nice chin? I was also surprise by, and I know this will bother some that I say this, Kirstie Alley. While I always enjoy watching her because I think she is refreshing hilarious and great… I just wondered if she deserved the All-Star status. I have actually been pleasantly surprised though by Ms. Alley. I don’t think she is up to par with some of the others, but “baby got back” and she ‘sho can work that bootay! So as far as I’m concerned she gets a E+ for effort on this Dancing With The Stars Review!!
Now for the juicy…. Giles is incredibly easy on the eyes and the dude can perform. He can look a little feminine at times which bothers me a tad but I guess that goes with the territory when you’re bomb on the dance floor. Emmit is always one of my favs because he has mastered the art of being manly and just flat out good. And he is always so smooooth!! He cracks me up too with his one liners like “Mind over Matter baby… If you don’t mind, then it don’t matter.” His partner Cheryl always does great choreog… however a couple of things bug me about her… A. She Always does the same cheer when she is safe… the arms shooting straight up in the air and she twirls around to hug her partner… I mean it’s cute but as we used to say in heated sorority rush discussions….. Something new and different Cheryl… New and Different! :) B. I like her hair better short. This is totally a personal opinion but just had to say it! She and Emmit do have great chemistry though and you gotta love any man that chooses to dance to Barry Manilow and Copacabana! LOVE IT!
I love me some Louis Van Amstel! And when Sabrina was chosen by the crowd to come back it was the icing on the cake that she was dancing with Louis. While going in I figured cheetah girl would be my fav… I was surprised to discover that while I still think she’s fab I like others just as well. She does know how to work it and pop that stuff…. I was sad to see her eliminated last week over some others but dealt with it knowing there were still some great ones in the pack.
Shawn Johnson I have to say has blown my mind and actually will win my vote thus far in the season for the this Dancing With The Stars Review! The first season she was on I thought she was a little timid but she and Derek together are like magic fo real!!! I mean the girl is sassy, fun, cute, and in my opinion pretty flawless on the floor. Woot Woot! I was a little worried about her Rumba because I didn’t think she could pull off the vulnerable sexy thang… but ya’ll she was H.O.T. hot!! And whatever Len said about her was way off base IMO! I think she has it all….. skill, projection, umpf and then some.
In closing just a few random thoughts… I do love Kelly Monaco just because she seems genuine and has drastically improved since Season 1, HOWEVER, her and Val freak me out sometimes. We get that you are in love now and have the hots for each other but the heavy petting and whispering, the draping and the heaving breathing on each other is just a little much…. I’d like to echo Louis with “get a room” yo! And Melissa…. oh Melissa, Melissa, Melissa. Sweet sweet girl but maybe a hypochondriac? I feel like sister is rushed away in an ambulance every other episode. I feel like MAYBE if she ate something she would feel better. I do love her personality and her in general but I’m done with the drama!
Well… That’s it! Sorry it was lengthy and now that I’ve started it hopefully my future Dancing With The Stars Reviews will focus on each weeks particular dances and eliminations. Happy Disco Balls everyone!
Katie Miller

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Raising A Boy

Raising A Boy

Raising A Boy

I always wondered what it would be like raising a boy. Growing up and only having a sister I really didn’t know what I was in for. I guess fundamentally I didn’t think it would be that different but as I’ve watched my oldest little boy Kircher turn into all boy verses seeing some of my friends with girls I think there is a huge difference between raising a girl and raising a boy!
My little guy is into trains, trains, trains, cars and more trains. He is obsessed! I don’t know how any child could be content to play with the same toy day in and day out for 2 years but the kid loves his trains. He also has a limitless amount of energy. He never stops even when he’s exhausted. He gravitates toward anything that could cause a mess. Whether it’s puddles, mud, mowed grass, gravel, if it’s dirty he is all in. He loves to play rough, talks at deafening decibels and forget about trying to get him to walk. It’s only running for this kid! While all of this makes him cute, exhausting and a challenge sometimes, it’s the tender part of my little fellow that is the best part, in my opinion, of raising a boy.
Kircher loves his momma, daddy, his Honey and Hank (my parents), his Papa and Zanny and all of his “best friends.” I never really thought of loyalty as a trait you would find in a child but my little man is fiercely loyal when it comes to his “inner circle.” He loves to snuggle, espcially with me, and he makes it known to all how much he loves his momma. While I’m sure those raising a girl would argue they can also be so wonderful, I now understand the incredible relationship that forms between a mom and a son. Raising a boy gives you a special appreciation for all the good men you meet. There is nothing Kircher can do that will change the spark he affects in my heart every time he talks, smiles or hugs on me. That little guy will be 40 years old and I know in my heart that although he may love many girls, hopefully one day a wife and daughters, there is no one that will hold the same spot in his heart as I will.
I’m not naive to think that one day he’ll prefer me, or that he would choose me over the woman he will one day choose to share his life with, I know that Mom will always hold a special spot. There is a tender spot that God created in small boys reserved only for their moms. As I’ve watch him grow and turn more rambunctious, or sometimes ornery or mean spirited as any three year old can act, I’m continuously grateful for the opportunity God has given me in raising a boy.
I truly believe that discipline from both parental parties is necessary and don’t negate the importance of constructive criticism. I do think though it is my special place as a mom of this little warrior to show him love through discipline, to be the gentle guider that allows him to mess up and then give him positive encouragement to do it better or differently next time. To not always tell him to toughen up when he gets over emotional, to allow him to be vulnerable but also encourage him to lead confidently. I think we have a unique position as their mother to help encourage them to be the family and spiritual leaders we need in the future generation.
I often feel my heart strings tug as I hear God gently whisper to me… “It’s okay to discipline, but instead of showing him anger, show him love in your discipline. Be effective through explanation and example.” I can’t say that I’m not intimidated by the challenge of raising a boy. I just hope that someday his wife, family and those around him can reap the benefits of a relationship with a man who loves the Lord, has strong character and loves and serves his family fiercely. As my friend Joanna reminded me, some days it’s the little ways we are called to serve our children. Things like dishes, diapers, pb & j etc. But teaching them the art of serving others with a loving and grateful heart is something that is often a struggle in the hustle of the day to day. My prayer in raising a boy is that he will reflect Christ, and I know in order for him to do so, so must I!

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Raising a Son
Katie Miller (918) 914-2677 or
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